Thank you for visiting my blog. I would like to welcome you to the third Adam. You may be wondering to yourself, “Who is the Third Adam”? To understand the meaning behind who “The Third Adam” is, we must first go back to the beginning and take a look at who Adam and Eve were (are). Once you understand the story of Adam and Eve, you can begin to understand who the Third Adam is. The first place we will visit in our Journey will be Genesis 1:27.
Gen 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
What I am about to share is something I believe to be true. But I ask that you do not take my word for it. Instead, I ask that you take it directly to God and ask him. Because God is our teacher, and if we ask him, he reveals the truth to us.
Mat 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
Now Let’s Begin
When we look at Genesis 1:27, we often overlook the true meaning of what is being said here. Not realizing that there is a deeper spiritual teaching there. When we look at this verse, we tend to think of this:

I used to think it was saying that as well, But as I kept studying, I began to believe that God was showing us something much deeper in this verse. I believe if we ask God, he shows us the truth. Sometimes, the things he teaches us are much different than what we have been taught by others. As God begins to teach us new things, we struggle to receive them. There is a battle within us, as God is trying to remove the lies that we have been programmed to believe. But God always wins. Once the truth is revealed, the lie can never come back, and you are set free. So, I truly believe that it is important that we always take anything that anyone shares with us to God and ask him. “Father, is this correct? If not, you teach me. Please help me to learn from you so that I am never misled”. If our heart’s desire is to truly know the truth, I believe God will show us. So, during my studies, I believe he began teaching me that Genesis 1:27 has a deeper meaning. To truly understand this deeper meaning, we must first ask God to teach us the truth, and then we can start with the story of Adam and Eve.
The Story of Adam and Eve / Male and Female
Gen 2:16-17 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
When God created Adam, he gave him a commandment of what trees he could eat from. When this commandment was given to Adam, Eve had not yet been created. After God gave the commandment, he said, “it is not good that man should be alone.”
Gen 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
This shows us that Eve had not received the commandment directly from God, which explains why the serpent approached Eve. The serpent came to Eve because she did not fully understand the commandment given by God. This will be something we will discuss in a future post with greater detail.
Gen 2:21 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
When we look at this verse, we often overlook the meaning of the word ribs. We look at the word rib and think of the literal meaning of the word (a bone from his rib cage), but if we look deeper, we find that there is a deeper lesson being taught. In Hebrew, the word rib is spelled “צלעה,” and it is defined by the Strong’s Hebrew and Greek Dictionary(Strong’s #H6763) as being the side, rib, or beam. The Strong’s dictionary calls it the side of a person literally (or figuratively). This explains that Adam had two sides. Why would Adam have two sides? What does this mean? We will come back to this.
Gen 5:2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.
In Genesis 5:2, we are told that in the day that God created them (male and female) that he called their name Adam. Why would he call their name Adam? Is it because he is talking about mankind? Yes, but also because he is talking about something much deeper. Adam and Eve are symbolic of being one.
Gen 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
Adam and Eve are one flesh, which means that Adam and Eve are symbolic of being the same person. This teaches us that Adam had two sides: a side that understood the truth and a side that did not understand (Eve). This is a picture of all of us. Every time we come to a crossroads in our lives, we have two voices in our heads that we listen to for advice. The first voice is the voice on the left (the carnal voice), the voice of Eve (the voice that does not understand the truth). Then, we have a second voice, which is the voice of truth (the voice of God’s spirit). We make our decisions based on these two voices. When we are still of the world, we let the first voice within us lead us. We ignore the second voice, and we focus on our own carnal desires.
Gen 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
When we look at this verse, we think it is talking about God making two different people (male and female), but I believe he is actually talking about one person with two sides (the side that understands the truth and the side that does not understand). So, when we look at Genesis 1:27, I believe we should be seeing it like this:

What does this mean? It means that we all have two sides. We have a side that is in the world (and does not understand the truth). Then we have a side that is from God and knows the truth.
In the natural, what separates males from females?
In the natural(in real life), what separates men from women? The seed that is used to create life. The women have eggs, and the men have the seed. The seed impregnates the eggs, and life is created. This is what separates men from women.
In the Spirit, what makes us male or female?
In the spirit is the same idea. The seed is what separates males from females. What is the seed? The seed is what gives life. The seed is the word of God. This means anyone who has been awoken to the truth possesses the seed that gives life. This means that women who have been awoken to the truth are men in the spirit. They are sons of God because they possess the seed that gives life.
Luke 8:11 Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.
When someone does not know the truth, whether they are men or women (physically in real life), they are females in the spirit. They do not understand the truth, and they are being led by their carnal side (the left side). They do not possess the seed.
Does the Bible teach that women are less than men?
Now some people say that women are less than men because of how they interpret the Bible. They say this because they focus on the literal interpretation of the text and not the spiritual meaning behind the story. They do not realize that it’s the spirit that gives life and not the letter.
2 Corinthians 3:6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.
1 Timothy 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
1 Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
Many people use these verses to say that women are less than men. Because, again, they can not see past the literal interpretation. They forget that It’s the spirit that gives life and not the letter because the letter killeth (2 Cor3:6); when we look at this verse, it is not talking about men and women in the natural (physically in real life) but in the spirit. It is talking about those who possess the seed (the word of God) and those who do not.
When the scripture says, let the women learn in silence. It is saying in the spirit: Let those who do not possess the seed (the word of God) learn in silence. When the scripture says I suffer not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over a man, it is saying in the spirit: I suffer not someone who does not know the truth to teach, nor usurp authority over someone who does know the truth. It is not talking about men and women physically in real life. It’s talking spiritually. Men and women who have been awoken to the truth are spiritually males, sons of God.
Some will say, “that does not sound right? Where do you get that from?”. When Paul wrote these verses, he gave us a clue where we can find the true meaning behind these verses.
1 Timothy 2:13-15 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
Paul wrote, “for Adam was first formed, then Eve.” This tells us that what he wrote is related to the story of Adam and Eve. He goes on to say that “Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in transgression.” As I explained earlier, Adam and Eve are symbolic of the two sides of Adam(one that possesses truth and one that does not). Eve, who did not understand the truth, was the one deceived and the one who transgressed. This is a picture of all of us. When we were still part of the world, we did not see the truth, and we ate the fruits of the carnal nature. We were dead in our sins. But Paul goes on to say, “Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing.” What does this mean? It means if she(all of us before coming to the truth) receives the seed that gives life(the word of God), we will give birth(childbearing) to the truth within us, and we will be saved.
Some might believe from what I am writing that I might not believe that Adam and Eve existed. That is not the case; the truth is I believe they actually existed. Could I be wrong? Yes, but this is what I believe to be true. The Bible teaches that everything happens first in the natural and then second in the spirit. I interpret this as meaning: first in real life(in the natural) and then second within you(in the spirit). We are also told in scripture that all these things happened unto them to serve as examples for whom the ends of the world(your world) are come upon.
I believe that if Adam and Eve did exist, they were two individuals independent of each other. But their lives served a greater purpose meant to teach us a greater lesson about ourselves. That we are the children of the most High, and that even though we have fallen, the LORD will raise us back up.
1Co 15:46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.
1Co 10:11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.
So, who is the third Adam? From looking at this post, we can see that Adam is you (all of us). This is the story of all of us. But these verses are talking about the first Adam. Check out the post on our page called “why the Third Adam?” to understand who the third Adam really is.
Now, these are the things I believe to be true. But I ask that you do not take my word for it. Instead that you take it directly to God.
I hope what I shared blesses you. I love all of you. Have a beautiful, blessed day.
God bless you all always!!!
Great teaching, Fabian. I like the breakdown of the Hebrew with the illustrations. I also enjoyed your honesty in sharing that you believe they were two literal people, although this could be wrong also. What you have effectively done is allow people to have their own beliefs, but you show what is most important, and that is the spiritual lesson in the story, which is far more important than anything the literal could give us. So nice to have another writer sharing esoteric principles.
Thank you, Joshua, for your comment.
I want to share a link to your website, I really enjoy your writings. Your understanding and interpretations of the scriptures are a breath of fresh air. I think anyone seeking to find a deeper look at the scriptures would benefit from your writings. It truly is the spirit that gives life and not the letter.
Fabian it is not possible that I would not stop and leave comment which to me was an eye opener to understand the meaning of Male and Female and Male and Female in the Spiritual. Now I get it ..the SEED is the definitive input if I may put it like that. You see I had an Awakening and I did hear many times from Spirit re the Seed. But since I am not fully versed in Bible Scripture/s I did not understand why the Spirit first told me this:
I GIVE YOU SEED…and much later on with my continued Kundalini then firmly insisted that I AM NOW MALE. When I got this report all I could refer it to once had read in one of the Nag Hammadi gospels.( forget which one lol..could be the Gospel of Mary?) that Jesus told his male disciples that he could make Mary Male. I did not understand what was meant by that even then, except that maybe the Jewish custom may have valued males more rather than females. Oh’ how foolish I was lol.
Anyway…after reading your wonderful post .. Now everything is Cleared UP.
So..Thank you so very much for this explanation.
You are correct , it is always God our Supreme teacher and the Reveal-er of His Spiritual hidden truth to us when the time is Ripe and our Consciousness is ready to receive it. It then comes through the most unexpected sources. Today I just happen to read an old post by SOS..and there JT had posted your link in comments where he was discussing with you.
So, right after… I came here to see what you got..and Viola ..just the question I had wondered about re SEED and it’s meaning and you explain it here so clearly. I have subscribed to your channel..hope to hear and learn more from you.
God Bless You.
Thank you, Genet, for your comment.
It blesses my heart greatly to hear that what I shared has blessed you.
Thank you for subscribing, I have been working on several essays which I have not published yet, but hopefully, I can upload them soon.
Thank you again.
Thanks for your reply. I went back to my old files /research re Seed meaning: I think it may be helpful for your readers: So I will post wht I had here:
‘Just as a man produces a son or daughter who is in his likeness inwardly and/or outwardly, so God renews his qualities within each person infused with his spirit; and these are in opposition to those of sin and its inclinations. This is the key secret of Bronze Sea.’
To emphasize: This symbolizes a rebirth through the Divine spirit, the Divine seed, and results in a renewal of the mind and heart, Ezekiel 36:25,26,27.
More in N.T. Bible scripture re: seed Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him 1 John 3 9
Outside of the Bible : re Seed:
UFOs – Brian OLeary Panspermia ET Seeded human origin Star Seed Theory (pls. Google for Y.T. vid. Lecture by Dr. Brian O’leary former NASA astronaut.
This angle from O’Leary, may broaden the search for the meaning of SEED?
Anyway..hope it helps. Looking forward to your new essay/s.
Thanks for sharing. I will take a look sometime later today. Have a great day.
The scriptures is different from any other books. First of all, although God did not write the Bible by Himself He is the author of the Bible. The people whom God instructed to write the scriptures did not write their own opinion, but they were guided by God to only write the words that God wants to be written. There are so many Christian religion today and all of them use the same Bible, but how come each one have different beliefs? It’s because the Bible is not a history book or an open book that we can just read and have our own interpretation. God hid the meaning of His words so we may read, but not understand. He did it in purpose because He wants to send Prophets and messenger whom He chose and will have the knowledge of the truth. These chosen people are the only people authorized by God to teach His words. That means if one is not chosen by God he has no right to preach the gospel. Fabian you are right when you said don’t take your words for it, but look for the answer in the Bible. That’s how we will find out who are the people chosen by God to teach the gospel. If we can find a preacher who preach not their own words and interpretations, but only get the answer to our questions by reading to us a verse written in the Bible that is the sign that those preachers are the one that God authorized to preach His words.
Thank you, David, for commenting and for your input. I appreciate you taking the time to share.
Yes, there are many varying interpretations and beliefs among Christians. Although we are all reading the same stories in the Bible, our interpretations differ, and one of the reasons for this is the perspective that we apply (how it relates to our life circumstances). For example, many people like to watch stand-up comedy. But although one comedian may make you laugh, another won’t; the perspective we apply will impact how we perceive the comedian’s material; whether we can identify with it; how it relates to us(culture, race, environment, etc.). So two people can see the same comedian, and while one finds it funny, the other will not. This is the same thing that happens when reading the Bible. We are all reading the same story, but our perspective will differ from the next person.
I agree with you that the Bible is not meant to be read as a history book; However, I do believe that every word is from God. I would even dare say written by God. This understanding of who or what God is is one of the biggest mysteries hidden from all of us. But that is what the primary purpose of the scriptures is to reveal God’s identity. To help the individual reading the scriptures wake up from their sleep. [Col1:27, Matt 16:13-17, Luke 14:21, John1:14, John14:20]
You may have noticed from reading my essay that I believe the scriptures have deeper lessons hidden behind the face value of the text. I believe all scriptures have parables and allegories behind them. The parables reveal the spirit of the stories [2Cor3:6], the lessons that create understanding. For example, one of the biggest crossroads in my personal journey was regarding the kingdom of God. When Jesus was asked when shall the kingdom of God come, he responded, “Behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” Because of this (and several others), I believe that the scriptures reveal that everything written in the scriptures is about you, the individual reading the Bible. Every story, every person, every town, every city, every bad guy, and every good is you. I know it might sound strange (I struggled with this at first). But, all the events in the scripture are things taking place within you (spiritual events). But we do not see this at first because we are veiled by our perspectives, literal interpretations, and pre-existing beliefs passed down to us from those who came before us. This is why Jesus said unless a man “be born again” (unless we let go of everything we think we know/ unless our mind is made new), we shall not see (recognize) the kingdom of God (the kingdom of God is within you).
When the Bible says lean not on your own understanding, this refers to all the extra layers we put on top of the stories; our perspectives, the literal interpretations passed down to us, and any other unnecessary layers we add.
When we find out that the kingdom is truly within ourselves [Luke17:21, 1 Cor3:16], we find that everything we need is within us. All the mysteries of the Bible are hidden within you (the temple of God). The prophets and the messengers that God sends are found within you. We also learn that we do not need to go looking for anyone to teach us because everything we need is found within us[Jer31:33-34, 1 John 2:27]. We also learn that everyone is chosen on the same journey and will finish the race.
I hope what I shared helps. There is so much more I would love to share, and with greater detail. Maybe one day in the near future.
Blessings David, and thank you again!